Turn of an Era! - Peace Project! - Crises are Chances!

Our new Europe

We Citizens throughout Europe can do it! - With the Ballot Sheet!



Bild:  We are launching a non-violent Citizens' Revolt online - for an new "swiss-like" Europe! - For Peace, Freedom, Human  Rights and Human Dignity! - Now!
We are launching a non-violent Citizens' Revolt online! - For an new "swiss-like" Europe! - For Peace, Freedom, Human Rights and Human Dignity! - Now!





1.We Citizens Decide: All Europeans between Vladivostok and Reykjavik are invited to choose among the following visions for Europe's future:

  • A. EU+ reinforced of EU supporters: An ever stronger and more centralized Union - up to the USE super power! - Final victory of Ukraine and the West over Russia! - "Brussels" decides top-down!

  • B. EU- weakened of EU opponents - Brexit+! - National independence! - Back to the 19th centjury! - Cooperation with the whole world! - My Government decides, also regarding the war in the Ukraine!

  • C. EU* transformed by us citizens into a new, diverse, democratic, prospering, "swiss-like" Europe! - We citizens decide ourselves on all important questions in Europe - by means of referenda!

2. Citizens' Revolt: We, many millions of empowered citizens throughout Europe are forcing our politicians to implement, together with us, our new Europe, how to end the war in the Ukaine immediately with a fair copromise, saving the face of all parties - and how to handle the global crisises (climate, refugees, pandemics...) efficiently and showing a maximum global effect!

3. Go ahead! - Now! - Participation is very simple: By voting with the ballots A (EU+), B (EU-) or C (EU*), you can either anwer all 11 questions of the referendum with one single click - or else answer each of the 11 questions of ballot D with one click ! - We shall do it! - Together! - With our Sword of Damocles, the ballot!








In real time - résumé - now!*



More about:

Petition for our new Europa
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Results Petition

Number of signatures by country (question 4)


Ranking: Signatures by country

(Only countries with votes and with more than 100'000 inhabitants)


Ranking: Signatures by 100'000 inhabitants

(Only countries with votes and with more than 100'000 inhabitants)



Petition - Number of signatures by country

(Only countrie WITH votes with over 100'000 inhabitants)




Millions* fighting for peace, freedom and democracy!

   Ambassadors of "Our new Europe" in 51 European countries! 

  1. Multiply* now* your vote with the help of all your friends, acquaintances - on all your networks!
  2. Run an exponentially growing* campaign in your country on www.our--new-europe.eu!
  3. Implement our new, diverse, prospering, sustainable, democratic, somewhat more "Swiss-like" Europe of the citizens, with and for the citizens  - also in Moscow, Kyiv and Brussels - with referenda! 

We millions of convinced Europeans can and must do it! - Bottom up! - E-democratically!

With your help! - Against  our rulers' fierce resistance! m make our rulers docile! - Here and now!


*Model of exponential growth (corona unchecked): After 10 days 1000, after 20 days 1 million votes - etc.!







Ideas, Comments, Questions


Hinweis: Bitte die mit * gekennzeichneten Felder ausfüllen.